Lear Avia
2014 16.2h 1/2in, big bodied, bay mare
Lear is a lovely mare who enjoys having a job and being in the jumper ring. She is the perfect horse for a JR or AA. She carries you around, always jumps and takes a joke like a comedian.
She is forgiving of her rider and can jump from any spot.
Currently being shown by a 12 yr old jr in the Jr/AA and Child/Adult divisions at A rated jumper shows.
Lear has been competing in the 1.0m - 1.05m jumpers. She will dominate in the TB jumpers and she has scope to compete much higher.
She hacks quietly alone or in company and has had a lot of exposure to riding out, crossing streams, etc.
She loves jumping and carries you to the fences. She is brave to fences and forgiving of rider mistakes. She is very light in the bridle and has auto lead change. She is also very handy for tight turns in the jump off.
Great fo the vet, farrier, baths, loading, waiting on the trailer, and stands tied to the trailer to be tacked up.
Asking low 5s, can be tried in Aiken
Do you want to come try Lear?
Please contact Jazz by texting 443-695-3780 or emailing [email protected].